
Tire Chains - SnowSocks



Traction Products for almost all tire sizes available
(if you can't find what you are looking for, give us a call)

We sell both Tire Chains, Tire Cable "chains", and now also Tire "Snow Socks"! (Snowsocks are OOS, new shipment to arrive late Nov!)

  • Please see the following link for Tire Chain Laws and Regulations by State:
    Tire-Chain-Laws for States in the US  (This link will open in a new tab or window in your browser! Just close the new tab or window, to get back to this page with the tire chains)
  • Tire Snow Socks! Lighter weight, easy to install etc. Perfect for quick get out of a slick situation.
  • Tire Chains! Long lasting, excellent grip, but noisier and more work to install than snow socks
  • Tire Cables! Lighter duty, less expensive, lighter weight than chains, a bit more work to install than snowsocks.

In case you are wondering about DOT regulations and Snow Socks:

  • Snow socks have been tested by DOT's.
  • They are approved, even though they are not written into the DOT manual as being approved in their own 'entity'.
  • Approval stems from that DOT’s in all states that monitor traction devices, have approved Snow Socks as “alternative traction devices” for use.

Here is a link to Laclede tutorials for how to install tire chains:
Please scroll down to your style of truck chain, since this page/link below, starts with passenger car chains.
