
Car Hauler

Holiday Hours:  Open on Valentine's Day.  We're all working that day, so you can give that special someone in your life (your truck)  some quality straps.

20 Years So Far!

December 17th, 2004, I went down to the capitol and filed my paperwork for Autohauler Supply, LLC.  The night before, I'd been talking with my wife.  I said, "I think I could do this kind of thing on my own."  Then she said the magic words:  "Well, why don't you?"

It's been a long, strange trip as they say.  And I had a lot of help along the way.  First of all, my wife who encouraged me to get off my butt and do it.  (And pay the bills while we got things up and running.)  Wouldn't be here without her for sure.  And of course Roland, who made sure the money was always where it needed to be, and who talked me out of my bad ideas, and helped support the good ones.  And a big shout out to the original crew from 15+ years back,  and Dale.  They're the ones who knew me when I was working in my little Harry Potter office under the stairs off the kitchen!

Thanks to everybody who helped us along the way!


Regular Customer Service and  hours of operation and contact information.  CLICK HERE